In 2020, Apple Family Dental was at risk for closing its doors. Permanently. However, there was much to fight for and protect. Not surprisingly, money would be one major factor that would determine whether or not our office would make it after the pandemic. All told, raising the funding to facilitate our office's transition post-COVID has been a three-year journey. One that has been so worthwhile! Why?
Because our office has built a community of incredible individuals over these past 25 years! These have included our beautiful patients, of course.

But do you know that patients make up only one part of that world? Also included are the exceptional professionals who have brought their acumen to the table with great pride and affection. These are our dentists, hygienists, assistants, and the admin team. But the family does not end there. In order to keep our office running and in compliance, we forge many alliances with other vendors and the public servants of our district.
So many human beings come together to bring health and vitality to a dental office such as ours. Bottom line is that community is far-reaching and our dental office plays a role in underscoring its value and bringing good to the world.
Today, Apple Family Dental is on track to reopen its doors. And that is simply because of the strength of our office's community.
Here is a presentation that shows how Apple Family Dental won first prize in a pitch competition sponsored by the partnership between The Idea Center of Miami-Dade College and the Office of Commissioner Eileen Higgins: